The objectives of the Ladies Society are to encourage active participation, to facilitate cooperation, and to supplement the needs of the parish; such as: altar care, floral decoration, equipment as needed, and candle placement and purchase. Spiritual growth is encouraged through programs and inspirational activities. All women of our parish are automatically members of the Ladies Society.
The Officers are President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The term of office is two years. No one may serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office. The Executive Board consists of the elected officers plus chair persons of the standing Committees. The immediate out-going President is also a member of the Executive Board.
There are at least nine meetings each year. A three member nominating committee nominates members for each office. Officer installation is at the June meeting every other year. Special meetings may be called by the President or at the request of any member of the Executive Board. The purpose of the special meeting must be stated, and no other business may transpire.
Various fundraising events are held each year. Our rummage sale, luncheons, and many bake events are provided to benefit the needs of our parish. All proceeds stay in our parish and help defray the cost of repairs and updates to our church, buildings, and property.
All women of the parish are invited to meetings. There are no dues, and the benefits are great. Companionship of Catholic women is encouraged, as well as charitable works. If you are interested, please call one of the officers listed.
The Ladies Society is a vital and active part of the parish. Its services, including above mentioned receptions, are free of charge, even though donations are gratefully accepted.
Regular meetings are the 3rd Thursday of month (except summer) at 10:00 am in Gurnell Hall at St. Patrick Church.